Is it easy to buy food near my accommodation?

5 January 2010
Is it easy to buy food near my accommodation?

Have you asked this question when you book your accommodation?

A friend of mine’s on holidays in Australia at the moment, and visiting one of our beautiful mountain areas. Something she said made me think about writing this, and it may not happen to folks staying in the heart of Paris, but it’s certainly worth considering whenever you travel.

My friend needed to get a taxi to her accommodation as there was no public transport, and it wasn’t until the first evening that she realised there was no-where within walking distance where she could have dinner.

The thought of paying for a taxi both ways to the nearest café or restaurant didn’t make financial sense, so instead she needed to buy snacks while out on tours, and make those do for dinner.

Is it easy to buy food near my accommodation in Paris?

Within Paris you’re never more than a block away from food no matter which arrondissement you’re in, but outside Paris and perhaps in some parts of France, there may be locations just like this where you need to know in advance what the food arrangements are.

When you’re making your reservations for your accommodation, check the website about the availability of cafés and restaurants close by, and if you can’t find this information, send off an email to make sure before you go.

It’s a simple little thing to find out, and may be the thing which tips the balance as to which place to stay at.

Have a great trip, wherever you’re off to, whatever time of year!

Teena :-)


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